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SMILE is now available on secondary marketplaces.



SMILE is an artistic PFP collection of 5000 1/1 AI art pieces from Roope Rainisto.

Collection minted on Solana on Tuesday 30th January 2024, at 0.2 SOL per piece (+ platform costs).

Royalties are set at 2%.

Follow @rainisto on Twitter for latest updates on Smile.

Meet your next PFP. Something to suit every mood, every personality.

SMILE is my playful what-if into what a sizable PFP collection could be like. It is not your typical PFP collection, but it is art ABOUT PFP:s.

No roadmaps, no vague promises of future utility, no gated community, no team to feed. What happens when only the art remains?

What happens when each PFP is not just a combination of various clipart elements but actually an unique piece of art? How much diversity can you visually have? Can you unite through a theme and curation?

Can you actually do something different?

Will you ever want to burn one of these in a future burn mint? If so, which ones will get burned? Which ones will remain?

The human smile originates from the “fear grin”, observed in many primate species. Lacking verbal means to communicate, the smile acts a sign of submission towards a more dominant individual — a way of signalling non-threat or stress, preventing aggression and conflict within the group. The fear grin focuses on pulling back lips and the display of teeth.

In humans, this display of teeth has slowly transformed into our smile - a means to express positive emotions: happiness and friendliness.

A hundred years ago you weren’t supposed to smile in your portrait. Smiling was seen as a signal of lacking in morals… not being a person that could be taken seriously. Only people from the lower classes smiled.

Nowadays: Be happy, smile! Our smile is a gesture, an invitation to connect with us.

A smile can communicate everything from pure joy to bitter contempt. We smile when worried, nervous, or uncomfortable — when we want to appease the situation.

Sometimes the fear grin comes back.

SMILE is my love letter to the expressive power of raw generative AI.

SMILE uses a custom, unreleased Stable Diffusion model that I created in 2022. The final collection is painstakingly curated from over 100000 initial generations.

Modern generative AI drives towards a clean, refined, undisturbed outcome.

I wanted to record this early state of AI into posterity before it is completely lost - create a time capsule of what once was. Art should leave things for our imagination to explore.

I also wanted to AI specifically to explore and deconstruct the smile - what are its possible forms? Does it still remain human?

I hope SMILE makes you smile - but not for the reasons why we typically smile.